Community Feedback and Suggestions

Updated 2024-07-16

The Prospect Road Community Centre is committed to providing the best experience possible for the communities along the Prospect Road and the members that use the facility.

As part of our community engagement and communication developments, we welcome community members to share their experiences with us. We hope to hear about all the great things going on, and compliments to our amazing staff that keep the Centre going – however we know that not everyday can be a great day and sometimes we need to do better.

Please take a moment to complete the form below to submit your feedback on your experience at the PRCC or a suggestion you may have.

Each member’s experience is unique, and we will review each submission with a lens of constructive feedback. Some suggestions or feedback where we can do better may not have an immediate result, however we can promise that we will take everything into consideration as we move forward.

Paper submission forms can be found at the desk when entering the facility for accessibility and ease of feedback at time of experience.

Thank you for your continued support of the Prospect Road Community Centre.


Click Here to Complete the Survey


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